Commercial Epoxy Concrete Injection Services
Cracked concrete is not only unsightly and alarming but may indicate serious underlying issues and structural problems that could develop into dangerous or costly repairs. Once these cracks emerge, you’re left with only a handful of options: repair the crack and identify the underlying issue or wait for more serious structural damages that will shut down your whole operation. Epoxy crack injection is a cost-effective and minimally-invasive solution that would restore the concrete structure to its pre-cracked condition, without shutting down your facility. As specialists in both epoxy and urethane crack injections, Cornerstone Restoration has the capabilities and experience to determine which is a better solution for you.
Don’t wait until surface-level cracks turn into costly concrete repairs – call our team today. We provide free repair assessments all year round throughout Wisconsin and the midwest.
Commercial Concrete Injections
Epoxy injections are a resin-based chemical compound that is pressure-injected into cracks in concrete floors, beams, columns, and walls. The compound bonds to both sides of the crack and fills the gap to the entire thickness of the structure. This process takes a few hours, both for application and curing. The result is an almost seamless crack repair, both aesthetically and structurally.
Though epoxy typically resolves the immediate condition and not the root cause of the issue, there are extreme benefits to getting crack injections done by a professional, including restoring the structural integrity of your building and repairing spalling, cracking, and other unsightly features of deteriorating concrete structures.
Benefits of Epoxy Crack Injections
Cost-Efficient (Quick Solution)
As far as commercial foundation repair goes, epoxy injections are the quickest solution to an immediate condition, making them cost-effective as well.
Traditional structural repair requires excavation and concrete installation – costly restoration services that take time.
Epoxy resin is a reliable material used to restore structural integrity to cracked concrete, cement, and other foundation materials.
Once cured, the compound should meet or exceed the strength of the concrete surrounding it.
This repair service takes only hours to complete, from site cleaning and application to the curing process, which means your operations can start back up again almost immediately.
This service also only affects the crack and immediate surrounding areas, typically with no excavation required.

A Contractor You Can Trust
Residential issues can be done DIY, but for commercial or industrial epoxy injections your best bet is to call a specialist. A trained contractor will not only have the equipment necessary to reach and repair the issue but the experience to determine what sort of remediation is required to fix the crack and the cause of the crack. If the cause is left untreated, you’re setting yourself up for another crack repair service down the road.
Cornerstone Restoration is your concrete crack and epoxy injection specialist. Our team is experienced in handling commercial and industrial-sized jobs with layers of repair and replacement needed to restore structural integrity. Schedule your free consultation today, we work year-round throughout the midwest.
Epoxy vs. Urethane Injections
When cracks form in your concrete structures, you’re often presented with two chemical injection choices to resolve the condition: epoxy resin injection or urethane foam injections. Though these methods often overlap in application, they offer different solutions to structural and corrosive problems in your facility.
- Typically above-grade work
- Repairs cracks
- Structural repair applications
- Dry internal concrete surfaces
- Typically below-grade work
- Waterproofing & sealing
- Wet environment applications
Free Commercial Repair Estimates in Wisconsin
Cornerstone Restoration is a carefully picked team of restoration specialists with decades of combined experience providing epoxy crack injections to structures in Wisconsin and throughout the midwest. We’re determined to not only fix the immediate crack or condition, but identify the underlying issue and develop a competitively priced solution. Contact us to schedule a free repair assessment.